Well Autumn is truly here. Cooler days and nights, stunning autumn colour and Harvest Fairs bursting with produce from our marvelous earth. How lucky we are and how grateful we must be.
Today is the launch of my very own Radio Show! An hour of Lunch, Laughter and Wellbeing on our wonderful local Dunoon Community Radio channel 97.4 FM - please join me every Thursday at 1pm to 2pm by listening through your internet at WELCOME WE ARE DCR97.4 FM | DCR 97.4fm (dunooncommunityradio.org). An hour of chat, good music and discussion around what really is Wellbeing, what does it mean for you, individually, and meeting many therapists and advocates for good wellbeing that can inform us on decisions we need to make for ourselves.
There are a few new blogs for you to enjoy on my blog page looking at Hypnotherapy and how it supports weight management as well as why using positive affirmations daily can make a difference to your mindset and health
Why not subscribe to my free membership area on the website - this gives you access to information on Journaling, Mediations and Positive Mindset Support, you will also receive all my latest blogs and workshop updates - have a look using this link Positive Mindset Coaching & NLP Practice | Lyndsey H Greer. There are also paid coaching memberships where you can gain year round coaching support for a monthly subscription - if you would like to know more, send me an email at enquiries@calmashore.com or call 07738175457
My new workshops started this month - Journaling for Wellbeing and Short Relaxation Groups - I will be taking these online for November so I will be able to reach you , no matter where you are, which is exciting. Book, Gift Sets, & Workshops | Lyndsey H Greer
So have a super Autumn and I will be back with more updates next month
Calma Shore Positive Mind Positive Life